I always believe in the saying “ like father like son“, and I know this little baby will grow up to be just as handsome and talented as his daddy. (This implies that the father is also kind and also gives his chair up…) We normally use this idiom to talk about personality. Dan is really kind and always gives his seat up for a lady. Like father, like son is an expression that means that sons tend to be similar to their fathers. What you do is amazing considering how the world has done its best to make us our worse. He has nearly matched Joe senior’s reputation for being a sharp shooter! I guess it’s a case of like father, like son. A father is a son's first hero and a daughter's first love Unknown With two weeks to go before Father’s Day, I thought it proper to start out with a simple shout out to all the Dads out there showing the world how it’s done. All three mean that the daughter/son/apple share signficant. Joe’s doing really well on the football team this season. A similar phrase is like father, like son and also the apple never falls far from the tree. not “like” – want/admire, but “like” – resembles/is similar/is the same. 130 bpm Fmin 04:12 -4.325db 48 Popularity 53 Danceability 87 Energy 9 Liveness 1 Instrumentalness 37 Positiveness Preview.
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“Just like the father is – so is the son” Songs similar to Like Father Like Son by The Funeral Portrait.father and son behave the same way in certain things, or have the same sense of humour, or some other quality.the son has grown up to “be just like” his father, in temperament, manner, way of doing things, etc.Goodreads members who liked Like Father, Like Son also liked: Then C. I can say the same about you if you are a son who takes more after your dad and if it is so, these like father like son quotes are 100 for you There must always be a struggle between a father and son, while one aims at power and the other at independence. Find books like Like Father, Like Son from the world’s largest community of readers. the man/boy being talked about is very much like/exactly like his father If you are a happy father with a son who strives to be like you, you will raise a happy son.